Saturday, September 30, 2017

Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn.Good Times, Trips To Land Of Dreams, Disneyland Men, Mice, Cali Dreamers, Giants To Land.

Angels In Packs, Games To Play, Winners And Losers, Learners Up At Bat. Field trips, goats and sheep, dicks, dawgs, donkeys in packs, monkeys to dodge, ffaces in shadows, faces in asses, jackasses in other words. Good times, hopes, wishes, dreams, dances in the air, dances on cloud nine, cool cats, Cali chicks, babes and dames, hands to hold, silent knights. Heels, Boots Made For Walking, Mountains To Climb, Birds And Bees, Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn. For you pal xxx Paul Moore. Walks Of Life:Names, Labels: Wits, Charms, Graces.Homeless Blues: Veterans Tales recaps to recall, love, luck, lessons, tests over time. Lovers and haters, tricks and trades, birds and bees, singing songs in the dogwood trees.Sally Lavigne :The Purple Flower: Juanita Honeycutt, To all mFB family you all .Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn.Good Times, Trips To Land Of Dreams, Disneyland Men, Mice, Cali Dreamers, Giants To Land..๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜˜ Lights to turn on, views of cows to ride for free, back in the day, Rachel Jarrot, fool on the run, dates with land whales, classes on the beach. Good times, stories to share, hats and horns, wigs to wear, lots of bald heads. American girls California dreams, dances on the sands of time. Lots of history on the free rides for cows, cattle, hippos, and snakes in the grass, trades to do: tips online to share..... Land whale, butch forever, horse and pony shows, crooks, cheaters and liars, monkeys to dodge. Raรงhel Butch, Rachel Wigsoff, Rachel Jarrot - Journalism (From The View of an Advertiser) Cum Suckers, tricks on corners, cash or credit, cows do fly. Frog Army, Snakes in dens, angels to see in the host, high on air. › jor2361 › 2014/03/02..Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn.Good Times, Trips To Land Of Dreams, Disneyland Men, Mice, Cali Dreamers, Giants To Land.. One day for free, cattle do fly, clowns to the left. Friday afternoon. Birds and Bees, Show To Do, Good Times....Dances with monkeys, swingers in the mix, hugs and kisses, lots of games to play. Rachel Jarrot, dream life, dicks and dogs, babes in black, tricks to trade. Hats and horns, wigs to wear, caps for bad hair dazes. Sheep and goats, kids will play. RACHEL104LIFE.WORDPRESS.COM...Tales of charms, wits and graces, lions on land, lions in the air, food and fools, fun in the sun. Happy and delighted, tips online to share, stories of haters, tales of haters. Lions to roars. Rocks And Stones, Love My Gems, Diamond And Paste....Flip a land shark...Steven Jarrot, nuts to run, freaks and frogs, snakes in the grass, herds of jackasses, tin can affairs, RV campers for life. Rachel Jarrot, the sucker for the love and devotion of a father for a trick. Golden Cow, with bald pussy for daddy's delight. Gifts to share on the darkness in the herds of cattle, land whales, and fake friends. Wolves Hidden: - Holding Out For A Hero: Pink Floyd - The Wall: The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. Kristi Jarrot at Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips -Another one bites the dust, ways to go, back to square one, angels in the sky. Thanks for the time we had, thanks for the laughs, thanks for the TV show, a good run, back in time, to the good old days, back in the sixty. Games to play, jacks and bags of marbles, dirt and circle, back in the day. Pages to turn, books to rights, books and notes to create, blue oceans to rock, seven seas to roar. Waves and clear days, surfers and sand, back to the seas. Games and waves, rocks and roll, ways to go, back to the top of the water. Happy and delighted, for the gifts given, happy and delighted to share this year.Jacks and marbles, jacks to play, marbles to loss, starting now. Ladies of the night, butchesnuts to go, party......and bitches,Wolves Hidden: - Holding Out For A Hero: Pink Floyd - The Wall: The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. dicks to strap on, games to play, roles of dykes. Pages of lovers, pages of sinners, pagers and knights, jokes and laughs, history online, saved for a moment....To Grow,I saw that you were perfect and so, I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect, and loved you even more. To Expand, Twists In The Wind, Glory Dazes Done.Wolves Hidden: - Holding Out For A Hero: Pink Floyd - The Wall: The Shadows, In Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn.Good Times, Trips To Land Of Dreams, Disneyland Men, Mice, Cali Dreamers, Giants To Land. Liars, Hackers, Cows : Soooooo seductive!Meth Drug dealers: Sima and Steven Jarrot 7608512267.Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips -Shows to do, horse and pony hits, candy for suckers, candy for jetks, good times with a cheap trick. Faces in the mirror, faces in the morning, faces of snakes and frogs, party hogs. Party and play, good times for all, faces to asses, games to play, tricks and trades. Drugs, and shit in a bag, life on the side of the road, RV campers, tricks and pimps to call 7608512267, and another for a spare 909 583 6930 or 909 965 0142, dykes and butches, cheap tricks, parked in Upland, now, life on the beach.Liars, Hackers, Cows : Soooooo seductive!Meth Drug dealers: Sima and Steven Jarrot 76085.. Frog Dates: Cuban Transplants: Sima and Rachel Jarrot :Jewish Army 2016.Sluts 4 Sell. Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips - Dreams of lovers, tales of haters, coins to flip, dances on the sands of times. Blue oceans, blue stars to shine at night, dances on the water, dances on the beaches. Good time, tales and tips, lovers of goat, lovers of sheep, fairy tales out of the bible. Jews and Christ, brothers of sons in the sky, lots of tests over time. Liars, Hackers, Cows : Soooooo seductive!Steven and Rachel Jarrot. 9096251371. Nov 24, 2014....Fun and games.Finishing with her with dad. Meth Drug dealer: party and play tonight?steven jarrot : "brunette lorena: #rtf_ใƒ„ [image: ๐Ÿ’ฆ] , ....18_HOT_18 , ... more » CHUCK BASS, Rach Jay:She couldn't handle it any longer...RACHEL GAYLNN JARROT, PROSTITUTES. Joys And Pains, Hands In Air, American Birds, Hits And Misses, Glory Dazes Done. To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of chances taken to bring lights on these matters. Sad and blue about the lack of growth. Same stories, different dazes, life on the beach, in a dated RV alone. Sad for the frogs kissed for the chance to change, windows always open, to flip the coins to brighter dazes. Paths not taken, the high roads, hands out to help a frog or a fish, get on the ships of dreams. Games to play, fingers pointed, blame games in place, fall guys to locate. Time to turn around, time to take a stand, good and evil. Lights on now, out of the shadows, out of the sand. The Merchant of Venice 2004.....Had a hard time back in the day, March madness returns, every year, getting ready to rock and roll, the madness returns, just to let you, every year of my life, since my mother died. Tricks and trade to keep a mind right, hands in the air, thanks to the angels in my life. My mother, my number one angel on guard, mercy and goodness, to follow, all the days of my life. Earth angel on the ground again, earth angel all best to live again, have been dead for so long, birds and butterflies, to live again. Joy and laughter, jokes and laughs, way to live, with the bumps in the road. All the test done over time. All the mountains that have been climbed. Love and hate, in the faces of saints, sinners part of the time, not a perfect world. Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn.Good Times, Trips To Land Of Dreams, Disneyland Men, Mice, Cali Dreamers, Giants To Land. Jewish Community in Wales 'Feeling Vulnerable' Following Record ...Cheap tricks, crooks and liars, fingers to hands, American birds, sit and spin, tales to be written. Jokes on snakes, Wikishmedia (If only Jimmy Wales were Jewish...) - Ourboox....laughs on frogs, faces to turn, coins to flip, good times, tips and tales, history created, lights on now. Charles R. Jarrot - CLOSED Indio, CA, 92201 mouth open wide, dicks to suck, dicks in line, cash in hand. ..Whales On Lands, Whales To Say Hello, Whales Tails on Land ....Ahead of Israel-Wales game, Welsh city pulls photo show of Jews and ...Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn.Good Times, Trips To Land Of Dreams, Disneyland Men, Mice, Cali Dreamers, Giants To Land. Knight Stands: Real Shit Marine Dressed In Blues: Few and Proud Fighters: Land OF Free, Rites To Fights, Rights To Defense. Man in blue stand, one man, one marine, dressed in blues, stands to fight. One marine, no frogs in army, the few, the proud. Stats to share, 22 dead veterans every day, men and Mennen, dead and gone. Homeless, lost and displaced, hands of help, hands for houses, hands to heal...Songs In The Winds, Dogface Butterflies, Lessons To Learn.Good Times, Trips To Land Of Dreams, Disneyland Men, Mice, Cali Dreamers, Giants To Land.

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